

SMARTIA P200 is ALUMIL’s top system for interior partitions in

minimal lines, ideal for business premises and offices, meeting rooms

& banqueting etc. The double glazing panel of 100 mm thickness offers

exceptional sound insulation properties (minimum 38 dB). Additionally,

the system provides the option for electrically rotating blinds inside the

glass panel and is characterized for the complete solutions it provides.

Panel Type

The aluminium framed glass panel may be structural with tape or

with silicone, providing an exceptional look of clear lines and glass.

Additionally, there is an option of “semi-structural” panels with

more visible aluminium. Finally, wooden panels can also be provided.

Construction Type

Αpart from a continuous grid, more complex constructions can be

made, as for example corner, “T” and cross structures.

Door Type

Door panels can be structural on both sides or with glazing bid on

one side and structural on the other. Furthermore, a glass or

a wooden door can be placed on the aluminium frame.

Technical characteristics

Mullion width 90 mm (49mm Slim)

Mullion depth 100 mm

Sound reduction 42 dB

Glazing double



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